Lately i had been writing in Zend Framework (had to).
What i see is lack of its documentation under PhpED - just like smarty's one is.
I have also a bit problem with code indenting.
$select = $db->select()
->from(array('_db_'=>'users_avatars'),array('ilosc'=>new Zend_Db_Expr('count(*)')))
->where('id_user = ?',$user_id)
->where('id_service = ?', $service)
Should be indented as above, not like that
$select = $db->select()
->from(array('_db_'=>'users_avatars'),array('ilosc'=>new Zend_Db_Expr('count(*)')))
->where('id_user = ?',$user_id)
->where('id_service = ?', $service)
As its hard to read.
Another feature I need is ability to ignore certain files in Publishing settings. For example: *.bak;