kjartani wrote: |
Debugging a script "line by line" and when trying to execute line with "curl_init()" Im getting error message:
Call to undefined curl_init()
at test2.php line 111
Arent all php functions "build in"?
So what can I do to add it?
Kjartan |
I believe, that it depends on wheather you are debugging the script in phpEd's internal server or on 3rd party server - even "localhost" is considered 3rd party server here. In the first case, you need to adjust PHP ini file under phpEd's installation - by default it is "c:\Program Files\NuSphere\PhpED\php5\php.ini" for PHP 5.2.x and ""c:\Program Files\NuSphere\PhpED\php53\php.ini" for PHP 5.3.x. In the second case, you need to adjust PHP's ini file under 3rd party sever's configuration (Apache or IIS).