Posted: Wed May 05, 2004 7:22 am |
I have tested 3.3.1 trial version of PHPEd and found one serious (for me) problem. I don't know if this problem already reported - have no time to search forum.
Let's say i have two files 'test1.php' and 'test2.php' in 'C:/htdocs' on windows machine. 'test1.php' has php class called 'test', 'test2.php' includes 'test1.php' and uses this class.
If I do following in 'test2.php':
include 'test1.php'
$test = new test();
$test->'method lookup in PHPEd works fine'
If site structure very simple i don't see any problem here.
But if site structure is more complicated, I always use following include methods:
1. include 'C:/htdocs/test1.php'; (or include 'C:\\htdocs\\test1.php')
2. define('PATH','C:/htdocs/'); include PATH.'test1.php';
3. include dirname(__FILE__) . "/test.php";
PHPEd method lookup doesn't work, when using these include methods!!!