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how to highlight custom sytax and a few random questions

Joined: 27 May 2009
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Im still in the eval stages of PhpED - so far so good.

I was wondering - I like to highlight my () a different color than my {} in php.
In the Syntax Colors I see I can define the colors in the Delimiters group, but that seems to do all of them.
I then tried adding the {} to the Reserved Words Set 2 group - but it would not take the new color.
If there anyway to do this?

Same goes for the $ sign - anyway to color just that?

Is there anyway to rename a Keyword Group Set?
BTW - Thank you so much for at least having that ability!

Can I import a list of reserved words? (in a keyword group or whatever) Ie - there are no smarty reserved words defined.

I like the ability to doc/undoc the nav windows - but is there anyway to stack them?
What I mean is the 2 windows I use the most is the Workspace and the Code Navigator - it would be great if I could just stack them on top of each other. It seems like the only way to do it is to undock them - but then they float on the left side and cover the code window.

And finally is there anyway to sync the Work Space navigator with the file that is currently selected in the tab?
This is espically painful when I hold down ctrl over a function that resides in a dir 5 level deep somewhere - the code navigator syncs to the current file - but the workspace is on the original file that I opened last.

Sorry for the barrage of questions - but so far, I really like this IDE.

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I then tried adding the {} to the Reserved Words Set 2 group - but it would not take the new color

Sorry, Reserved Words may contain only alpha-numeric stuff. For example you may want to put there particular identifiers or variables. Sorry, delimiters like curly braces are not supported as Reseved Words.

Is there anyway to rename a Keyword Group Set?

Yes. See Tools->Settings->Reserved Words, Group Names button.
See how html tags are broken into different groups with more or less approrpiate group names.

I use the most is the Workspace and the Code Navigator - it would be great if I could just stack them on top of each other

First you need to undock (separate) one for them from the other, then dock it back to the place where you want it to apprear, on bottom or on top.
In details (I assume you have layout configured by default):
-undock workspace & explorer by dragging them on their title bar. As a result you will get floating window with two tabs - Workspace and Explorer
-adjust hight of this window
-pull out and pin Code Explorer to the main window
-undock Code Exolorer from the main window
-dock Code Explorer to the window with Workspace. Make sure you see rectangular selection without TAB on the bottom when you release mouse.
-dock floating window with Workspace, Explorer and Code Explorer back to the main window

And finally is there anyway to sync the Work Space navigator with the file that is currently selected in the tab?

See "Locate File In Workspace" in the file tab's popup menu.

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how to highlight custom sytax and a few random questions
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