Hi all
Finally bought PhpED a couple of weeks back after promising myself I'd ditch Dreamweaver for PHP projects a few years back
Some of PhpED's features are superb, but there is just one that is stopping me using this for big projects at the moment. And that is synchronisation.
I just can't bring myself to synchronise a site from my local working copy without checking what is about to be done. DW allows this, and although it is buggy in places, it at least stops you completely destroying a live site if something hasn't quite gone according to plan (we all know it happens occasionally).
I have been playing with other ways of synching to get around this. The latest package to be checked out is Beyond Compare 3, but it seems to be struggling with line ending differences between Windows and Linux at the moment. Still experimenting with settings there!
Any other control freaks out there that have found a suitable solution until a preview mode is included in PhpED?