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What is wrong with it ?

Joined: 06 Mar 2007
Posts: 158
Location: Poland
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Hi ...

I have just no beefs !


Why all time to time my configurations are loosing?

Since I bought PhpED and when I want customize it a little - this has no sense at all!

I have just again lost all of my configurations: tabs posistions, shortcuts, reserved words etc. What is wrong with that?
PhpED crashed and all configs gone to hell.

Does anyone saw the same case after PhpED's crash?

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I've been using PhpED for years now on various operating systems and I never had it crash in a way that the config was lost. Seems like a problem that you might directly want to contact NuSphere support about.
You sure there is no hardware problem on your PC? Ram, harddisk etc?
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Joined: 06 Mar 2007
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Do You think that there could be reason other folder for configs than default?
Or any other thing related to locations?

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hmmz no I don't think so.... My PhpED config folder is even located on another PC, read via the network, and still no issues.
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Joined: 06 Mar 2007
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After many hours ... I think I found a reason, but maby one of...

When I customize any thing and put anywhere Polish special char (for example in customizing main toolbar texts), such as "ą", "ę" then config file is save incorrectly (not in utf8 but 1250 becouse interface of Windows has cp1250). Then with next start of PhpED it cannot read config file and then PhpED uses default values and then conig file saves with new, default values.

When I manually edit file and put there chars, such as "ą", "ę" and save file as utf8 then, as an above example, Polish special chars are presented incorrectly in an interface, but config reads ok.

This is checked and confirmed by me. Maby there are other things, but this one looks like more real reason.

Is it possible to correct it?

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This seems like it might be a bug, perhaps you do best by mailing NuSphere support directly to make sure they are aware Smile
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What is wrong with it ?
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