Hello - I am trying to access the following web service...
I am totally new to NuSOAP and after trying for hours I cannot figure out how to make a call to the GetByUploadDate operation within the wsdl file.
I think what is throwing me off id the soapAction property. How would I pass the paremeters within the call function...
$client = new soapclient ("http://myserver/searchservice/20071001/service.svc?wsdl", "wsdl");
$results = $client->call ("GetByUploadDate", [WHAT PARAMS DO I PASS HERE??])
P.S. - I have an account number, login/pasword to use the fliqz service but by looking at the the wsdl file I don't see that I'm required to pass them (although I sure I am, I just don't know how)
Like I said, I'm a total newbie so just hoping someone can point me in the right direction here. Any help would be much appreciated