I've been playing around trying to get the CVS to work but haven't had much luck. I can login and get things going on my remote server from the command line without any trouble, but not from within PhpED.
I have setup Putty.exe as my SSH client, but I wonder why I can't just use the built-in terminal from PhpED?
Anyway, every time I try to access I get an "invalid port number" dialog box from Putty and then, of course, a cvs.exe [add aborted] message from PhpED. In the setup for CVS on my server I configured a specific port for use in the xinetd.d. Is there a way to pass that port information across to Putty in the CVS config for PhpED? I tried the xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:port, but I keept getting an error from PhpEd that I'm not allowed to use a negative number as a port, which I'm assuming is because there is an auto-added ":" to the end of the port as well.
I've searched these boards for a couple of days trying to figure this out on my own, and I have had some success via information that others have said, but I'm still unable to actually utilize the CVS system online.
Does anyone happen to have a step-by-step for setting up PhpED to work with Putty and a remote CVS? As you may have noticed, I'm rather new to the entire CVS thing, so please be gentle.