Joined: 18 Aug 2007 |
Posts: 5 |
Posted: Fri Aug 17, 2007 5:34 pm |
Using MySQL with Apache from NuSphere TechPlatfrom
It was not easy to find all checks to do. However, to solve this I did the following ;
1) Open the C:\Program Files\nusphere\TechPlat\apache\bin\php.ini file in an editor (notepad)
2) Remove the leading semicolon from the following line
3) Locate the below line and make sure you have correct port, for me it was empty at start.
mysql.default_port = 3306
I found 3306 by executing the local mysql command line client and inputed the command status.
4) Save the file
5) Restart Apache server (if you selected NT-service when installing, you have an icon bottom right)
6) In your script, use the following values;
define('DB_PASS','hobbe'); // or whatever you used as password...
$conn = mysql_connect(DB_HOST, DB_USER, DB_PASS)) or die("Could not connect to db..!");
if (!mysql_select_db(DB_NAME, $conn)) die("Could not select db..!");
$result = mysql_query("show tables;",$conn);
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
All values during installation was default. My PC is a new HP laptop running XP with latest TechPlatfrom from NuSphere.
/Henrik Laurell, Sweden