We just downloaded the trial and the whole team loves this editor, it´s fantastic, we will switch to PhpED right away.
With that said I´m requesting a feature: Surround code.
This is a feature that the Java IDE - IDEA has.
1. Select a piece of code and hit the "Surround code" shortcut.
2. Select the "surround type" for example "try - catch" or "try - finally"
3. The selected code is indented and try/catch brackets and inserted.
The code:
would after surrounding code be:
try {
echo "i´m a lobster";
} catch(Exception $e) {
It´s very useful if you wan´t to add a try/catch or similar to a piece of code.
I guess that the template feature could be used if there´s a way of not replacing the selected code like putting a "@1" (or similar)" that substitutes the selected code.
This is just my 2 cents. =)