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[resolved] Can't Get Started

Joined: 27 Feb 2007
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I have downloaded the trial version of PHPEd and have obtained and setup the activation code.

I then opened up a .php file that has been working fine in Blumentals RapidPHP.

When I attempt to run it, I get "waiting for local host" for 15 minutes and nothing comes up. It is only 100 lines of code which normally comes up in less than 1 minute.

What types of things should I be looking for to fix this?

Mike Smith
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Joined: 24 Jan 2006
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Aer you running pure default install -or did you create a project and set the mappings? Do you have Srv (PhpED's built in web server) running - look for the satelite dish in the systen tray. Do you have anything runngin on Port 8080?
Finally - could you please post a screenshot of the error message and the Log tab of PhpED?
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Can't get started

Joined: 27 Feb 2007
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Thank you for your reply.

I have created a project but I am not clear about the mappings.

The satellite dish is showing in the system tray and shows "Started"

My MySQL tool is pointing to port 3306.

I am not sure which port the web server is on. How would I determine this?

Mike Smith
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I have posted a screen shot of my run screen.

The file I am trying to run does not appear to part of "Project 1". I have created "Project 1" but there is no way of opening it save something in it.

I am using IIS on Windows 2000.

Mike Smith
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Joined: 24 Jan 2006
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Hi Mike, I suspect that Blumentals left some server of its own running on the port where Srv is trying to run. I need to see what is in your Log tab - it is at the bottom of the IDE and unfortunately I can't see it on the screenshot (BTW, thanks for posting it). You can see which port Srv is running on by double clicking on the dish and looking at the properties.
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Can-t get started

Joined: 27 Feb 2007
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OK, I have attached a screen capture of the log box. It is showing port 8080.

I hope this helps.

Mike Smith
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What happens if you change the port in which Srv is running? You can change it in Tools->Settings->Tools->Srv Web Server, change the port, shut down the sever and start it again from Tools->Srv webserver
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Joined: 27 Feb 2007
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I tried to change the port but I can't figure out how to shut down the server.

I am guessing that NuSphere is really a product for Linux that is being adapted to Windows and is not quite there yet.

If I can run Dreamweaver and Blumentals RapidPHP through port 8080, then NuSphere should be able to handle this too.

Waterproof are developing a PHP Editor that may be worth using in about a year.

I have access to Visual Basic which may give me control over the balancing of the braces as an interim then maybe in a year I will look around for a PHP editor that will work in the Windows environment.

Thanks for all your help.

Mike Smith
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Actually I believe it's created for Windows and either ported or rewritten for Linux.

The trouble here is not PhpED, it's your setup. It sounds like you're running too many things on your computer that you don't know enough about. Do you know what servers you're running (databases, web, etc.), and do you know the port that each server is on? My guess is that you have conflicting processes running, and that PhpED will work fine if you do a clean boot that loads nothing but the PhpED server and program.

PhpED has no problems running through port 8080. In fact, I have multiple servers configured on different ports on my development computer and it works fine on them all. My suggestion is that you do some reading and learn your setup and settings before wildly making claims like PhpED is "not quite there yet".
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Dear nothsa - thank you very much for defending PhpED Smile. We really appreciate it when the users give us constructive critisism - like you do in other post and also recognize the advantages of the IDE - these two things combine help us to serve you better, and that's all we want. PhpED was indeed created for Windows and our Linux version is admittedly behind PhpED 4.6 for Windows. It is very much there - unlike RapidPHP PhpED comes with fully featured debugger, developed by NuSphere and used by competition (Waterproof and many others).
At the same time I recognize the frustration when things simply don't work. nothse is quite right - I am positive that you are running too many things. I think many other IDEs will fail on port 8080- simply because it is taken. The test is simple: click shut down on the Srv settings (double click the Srv icon to bring it up) and then start Srv again on a different port. Just give it a try - we are here, and we will help, just give us the info to be able to help you. I hope that you will see what PhpED can do for you. Best Regards!
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Joined: 27 Feb 2007
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I take it that the Globe in the System Tray is the Srv Icon. I have used that Icon to Stop and Start the server and this still results in an indefinite wait.

I have found another problem that may show something that may be causing the problem.

I have created a Project called Project 1. I successfully got 2 files added to the project but I can't recall how I did this. I am now trying to open a new file to add it to Project 1. I find when I attempt to do that, that I can only go down 2 levels. The file I am try to add is: C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\efadepot\default.html. I can get the file browser to open up C:\Inetpub and show wwwroot on the right side of the partition, but I can not go deeper in the tree.

I am also not clear if the first 2 files are really part of Project 1 or if they are just sitting in the box on the left side of the screen.

After 5 tries to get my previous file efa1a.php, it did come up but I could see that it had no connection to the .css file. But the .css file is not part of the project.

If this makes any sense, let me know.

I also need to know 3 other things:
- can I still use Dreamweaver at the same time as NuSphere?
- how would I know that I physically have a port 8081?
- I am using Windows 2000, does Windows need Windows XP?

Mike Smith
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Joined: 08 Feb 2007
Posts: 67
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Mike Smith wrote:
I have created a Project called Project 1. I successfully got 2 files added to the project but I can't recall how I did this. I am now trying to open a new file to add it to Project 1. I find when I attempt to do that, that I can only go down 2 levels. The file I am try to add is: C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\efadepot\default.html. I can get the file browser to open up C:\Inetpub and show wwwroot on the right side of the partition, but I can not go deeper in the tree.

I'm assuming you're looking in the "Workspace" tab and not the "Explorer" tab? You should see the following hierarchy:

Workspace Name
   Project Name
      The Files/Directories In Your Project's "Root directory" (specified when you create the project)

The files that show in your Project are the files in your Root directory, so you should have specified "C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\efadepot" as your Root directory in your Project settings (check your settings to make sure). Once that's done, any changes made to the Root directory outside of PhpED (e.g. you create a file called "test.php" through Windows Explorer) require you to refresh your Project in PhpED, either by clicking on your Project and pressing F5 or right-clicking and selecting "Refresh". If you can only go down 2 levels, it might be because you haven't refreshed your Project and PhpED doesn't know that there's another level. Try the Refresh and see if that fixes it =)

As a side note, try adding new files/folders inside PhpED (Right-click > New File/Add File/New Folder), then the file/folder list is updated automatically.

Mike Smith wrote:
I also need to know 3 other things:
- can I still use Dreamweaver at the same time as NuSphere?
- how would I know that I physically have a port 8081?
- I am using Windows 2000, does Windows need Windows XP?

    [1] - Absolutely. PHP files can easily move between IDEs, but I should ask what exactly are you doing in Dreamweaver, and what you're wanting to do in PhpED? Why not just use one of them? Let us know why you're wanting to jump between the two and we can give you more specific answers =)

    [2] - You have ports ranging from 1 to 65,536. You can only have one process running per port, so if a process is already listening on that port, nothing else can start on it. To see what ports are currently in use, you can go to your Windows Start Menu, click "Run", type "cmd" and click OK. A command prompt should open up, where you can type the following:
    netstat -an |find /i "listening"

    This should show you a list, something like this:
    TCP                 LISTENING
    TCP                LISTENING
    TCP                LISTENING
    TCP                LISTENING
    TCP               LISTENING
    TCP               LISTENING
    TCP               LISTENING
    TCP               LISTENING
    TCP               LISTENING

    Here's what each line means (I'll use the first one as an example):
    Program is running on a TCP port on IP address (i.e. the localhost), on port number 80.

    All you need to worry about is the port numbers. If you don't see it listed here, you should be able to use it. Any port up to 65,536, but don't use any number under 1000. Some are used for Windows processes like networking. I usually start at 20,000, but that's just me =)

    [3] - Though I haven't tested it myself, I'm pretty sure you don't need Windows XP. Windows 2000 should be fine.
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[resolved] Can't Get Started
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