Hello i read this thread and me also tried to use the PHPDebugger Toolbar from Firefox.
I have maybe not completely understood how the php-dbg.dll works. Is it like this:
The Listener accepts on (normally) port 7869 the answers from the webserver who has got the php-dbg.dll included.
The webserver returns all debug-info with its normal content which was requested.
Now the listener forwards this answer to the IDE which is registered to the Listener (has its guid in the DbgListener.ini).
The IDE must have registered itself in CLSID with its GUID, so the Listener can contact it.
And if there is no entry in the "IDE COM class" - Drop Down of the Listener, there is no chance of contact between them,
Is it like that?
Now i have a general question about this PHPDebugger Toolbar:
After installing that, there is no new entry in the Listener and if i run Debug Listener and after the
Firefox (with PHPdebugger) and try to debug, i get:
Failed to open or create an instance of IDE CoClass.
And there is no entry mentioning the Firefox-PHPdebugger.
Could it be, that its just not right registered and i could register it by hand?
By the way, i tried PHPed (beside others) and this is really the best debugger i know, unfortunately too expensive for me