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Multiuser Development & Session-based Website

Joined: 13 Aug 2006
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I have two questions (Multi-User Development & Debugging on Session-Based Website):

Please let me explain my requirement and ask the questions.

    We at OrionTradesoft have a development team of 6 software engineers and are using Macromedia Dreamweaver because it has a feature of check-in/out. So, for example, if user 1 is working on login.php then login.php will be checked out by user 1. in this case, if user 2 tries to open the file login.php (by mistake), Dreamweaver displays a confirmation message: "login.php file is checked out by user 1. Checking out will overwrite user 1 changes. Do you wish to continue?" Now, i am interested in knowing that PhpED has something similar? What about CVS? Can CVS be used for same purpose?

    Secondly, I am interested in knowing, how can PhpED assist in debugging a PHP page that is using PHP SESSION, that is if SESSION is NOT set, user is redirected to login page? Is there any setting that I can use to pre-load PHP SESSION in Debugger, so that debugger runs the page with pre-loaded PHP SESSION.

Please note, I am in testing phase, that is to find how can PhpED help in development. If our team finds it promising, we will go for it.


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1) SVN, Subversion etc work differently then the SourceSafe way of doing it.
With SourceSafe you checkout the files you wish to work on and then check the changed file back in after you did your work.
With SVN related tools everyone has all the project files on his/her disk and works locally. If he/she decides the code is good
(and can be finalized) the changed files are commited to the SVN server and then they get available to everyone when they do an update. When 2 or more people have changed the same files you will get a notification about that and the possibility to merge then.

I have worked with both variants (sourcesafe and now subversion) and I have to say that, once you get used to the way subversion handles it,
it allows for working on projects with a lot larger teams. IE we work on one project with 55 people via subversion without problems, while we
used to have problems with the sourcesafe related approach when we were with 10. SVN variants have also much better error recovery, so I
advize you to check it out.

PHPED has support for SVN, but even if you use Subversion and then install TortoiseSVN (our preferred solution) to handle the commits and updates, you can still have the "Show shell menu" option in the file popup menu and use it just as easely.

2) The DEBUG SESSION is a completely different thing then the PHP SESSION. If you want to preload a php session, basically you can just use the session_id() function to set the session you wish to debug. A debug session is just a way for the debugger to track the data it needs, it has little to nothing to do with you actual code.
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I thought Dreamweaver uses webdav for checking in and out (for locking files), I read somewhere about it.
If that's the case, yes PhpED supports webdav and allows to lock/unlock files. Corresponding functions are available in the Explorer window popup after you create a webdav account Smile.

BTW, are you using command-based integration (tools->settings->integration described there tip-subversion-svn-and-phped-3-3-t1365.html) for working with SVN or Tortoise-based shell integration (shown there tip-svn-subversion-and-phped-v4-t1888.html) ?
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Multiuser Development & Session-based Website
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