The modal 'Warning" window that displays the warning message:
"File "C:\web\foobar.php" is externally modified. Reload?"
when a file has been externally modified sometimes gets stuck behind the IDE window, without focus, forcing a shutdown of the IDE in order to continue.
This seems to happen (all too) repeatably in the following sequence:
Open 2 files in PHPed
Set a breakpoint in file1
Display file2 in PHPed
Go to IE browser, display file2 in browser (see that you messed up)
Edit file2 in external editor and save
Run debugger from IE toolbar
PHPed displays the break point in file1, but the "file ... is externally modified" warning window that displayed when you edited file2 externally is no longer on top, is modal, and can't be accessed because it no longer has the focus. PHPed is effectively dead at this point and has to be shutdown by killing the task.
This has bitten me several times today because I had a .yml configuration file open in both PHPed and a text editor, forgot that I had the file open in PHPed because I had about 30 files open, fixed the configuration problem in the external file and then immediately ran the debugger from IE without going back to PHPed first. DOH!
It's a little thing, I luckily didn't lose any code, and I promise to be more careful in the future, but I thought I'd report it anyway.
v4.5 Build 4513