There is a display error/issue on non-php files when breakpoints are set in the gutter. Below is a shot illustrating this:
As you can see there is no red dot image or highlighting occuring on this file. I am guessing it is because there is some internal system saying that .tpl files should be rendered as HTML and it is not possible to debug HTML. If this is the case, is there some way you can correct this in the future? What's strange is that it seems like it's letting me set a breakpoint there:
The file is a .tpl file which is parsed by the smarty template engine. PhpEd 3 used to handle this just fine. In fact I set breakpoints in my templates before and shift-f8'd to jump straight to them from the file that contained the code that parsed the template
Here is a PHP file shot showing it works in .php files for same project/system/etc: