Hi Folks,
first of all thank you for the nusoap. I just started to play around with it and with soap. So of cause a question came up:
I have an xml-sample and wonder how I can make a soapcall with nusoap. I can access the wsdl on the server, but I am unsure what parameters I have to use with the $soapclient->call() functions. The XML sample is as follows:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"
xmlns:tns="Map24Geomatcher" SOAP-ENV:encodingStyle="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/">
</SOAP-ENV:Envelope> |
How would this result in arrays to use with the call function?
Thanks in advance