I have this project structure:
root (project root, public_html one step deeper)
/public_html (web root)
Public_html only contains index.php, everything else (PHP) is outside the web root (shared directories, local directories).
Now I have not been able to set Debugger mapping. What I have now is
Run target: Remote server
Default file or ulr: h t t p : / / acme.com
Root URL: h t t p : / / acme.com
Mapping for debugger: /home/acme/domains/acme.com/public_html
[x] additional mapping
U:\proj\acme.com /home/acme/domains/acme.com/public_html (empty) <--- Cannot remove this, it is has bold typeface, [Delete] is disabled!!!
The remote debugger is now trying to find index.php in the domain root, not /public_html and debugging fails, of course. How should I set up the debugging to make things work?
(As a side note PhpBB is simply HORRIBLE, the worst of the breed, ANY other forum solution would work)