I used to do some coding in Ruby/Rails and used RubyMine as my IDE, so I still get news emails from JetBrains.
I just had one letting me know that RubyMine now supports the Windows Linux Subsystem. I started using WSL I guess almots a year or so ago on the Window Early Adopter fast ring and although it was a bit buggy and flaky I liked it a lot.
WSL is now the best way to run a Lamp stack on your dev PC IMHO.
"WSL Support"
"RubyMine adds support for Linux Subsystem on Windows! Try it now to skip any painful configuration on Windows, and exploit RubyMine in full."
It would be cool if the Project Wizard could automatically set the debugger up for you under WSL as it appears JetBrains are now doing for RubyMine users. I seem to recall that PhpED's wizard used to be able to do this for XAMPP/WAMPServer setups in the past, so it should be too big a stretch to add it for WSL.
PhpED's still my Php IDE of choice