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Thu Sep 20, 2007 6:56 pm
Replies: 9
Views: 4703
How would I install Apache as a server?

The I'd recommend you to try to comment out extensions one by one to see which one causes the lock up.
Alternatively, you may want to switch to Apache to se ...

Tue Sep 18, 2007 7:36 pm
Replies: 9
Views: 4703
I've managed to narrow it down. It always happens with PHP v5, but never with PHP v4.

With PHP v5, it locks up randomly with any URL. The problem is independent of the URL.

With PHP v5, we're us ...

Tue Sep 18, 2007 5:58 pm
Replies: 9
Views: 4703
I always test with the external server, either IE or Firefox.

So there is no crashes at all.
Did you try with external browser or with embedded one?

Mon Sep 17, 2007 10:32 pm
Replies: 9
Views: 4703
Is there any indication on what process dll or exe caused the crash? Does Windows offer to "send" any info to the Microsoft? If so, does coressponding dialog contain the info details that yo ...

Wed Sep 12, 2007 6:18 pm
Replies: 9
Views: 4703
The web server is freezing. I'm having to close down/restart PhpEd every third time I use the web server to view a page I have edited. .

This problem has occurred on PhpED v4.6, 5.00, 5.01, on two ...

Tue Jul 11, 2006 5:40 am
Replies: 2
Views: 5413

Thanks! PhpED is amazing - and the support team is fantastic.

When I installed PhpED, my PHP productivity instantly trebled. I had been struggling with a free emulator, Dreamweaver and Ultra ...

Mon Jul 10, 2006 10:04 pm
Replies: 2
Views: 5413

I dont think its saving the settings correctly.

If I change the "Default Documents" to "index.php;index.html;index.php5" under "Settings..Tools..SRV Web server" ...
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