Thu Apr 29, 2010 8:40 am |
Replies: 9 |
Views: 3859 |
I'm disappointed that nusphere released a new version and this was still not addressed.
Tue Mar 09, 2010 8:06 am |
Replies: 1 |
Views: 3065 |
I hope NuSphere has been working on support for Smarty3 syntax. It allows a lot more forms and as I use the new syntax more and more, my code gets highlighted (properly) less and less
I know it' ...
Thu Oct 08, 2009 7:18 am |
Replies: 2 |
Views: 3086 |
I just upgraded to build 5916 and noticed that whenever I launch the application, it loads the workspace and then seems to scan every project before displaying them in the left workspace tab. Previous ...
Tue Sep 29, 2009 10:00 am |
Replies: 0 |
Views: 3016 |
I installed build 5915 and all of my tags are autoclose-no and change case-no
I want to autoclose ALL and make them always lowercase. Anyway to do them all quickly?
Wed Jul 22, 2009 6:17 am |
Replies: 9 |
Views: 3859 |
Once you are inside a comment, things like autoclosing should not be active. It makes no sense
Wed Jul 15, 2009 2:22 pm |
Replies: 21 |
Views: 12956 |
CTRL+SHIFT+S seems to work fine about 60% of the time, and the other 40% it hangs for like a minute doing the upload. These are just small, 1-2KB files...
Mon Jul 13, 2009 5:38 pm |
Replies: 21 |
Views: 12956 |
I'm slightly confused. I didn't see a way to select the FTP site in the project properties for the project root. Only local folders and network drives.
With Zend I can "edit directly" jus ...
Mon Jul 13, 2009 10:44 am |
Replies: 21 |
Views: 12956 |
How can I work off an FTP site for a project? In Zend this is extremely easy and I would love to know how to do it with phpEd.
Sun Jul 05, 2009 8:11 am |
Replies: 1 |
Views: 3011 |
I think it would be nice to at least have the option to automatically collapse object properties like you can with comments
Sun Jun 28, 2009 8:55 am |
Replies: 2 |
Views: 2848 |
I REALLY can't stand the keyboard browsing in phpEd. Say I have a bunch of folders and I want to jump to a file. If I type the first few letters, it seems to find the first occurance of it... in subfo ...
Wed Jun 24, 2009 8:12 am |
Replies: 7 |
Views: 5372 |
Let me know if this solves the problem for you!
Wed Jun 24, 2009 7:29 am |
Replies: 7 |
Views: 5372 |
I just installed phpEd 5.8 and am working on a project which has a root of a networked drive.
I have the project active and am editing it, but in the bottom left it is flashing "Scanning (proj ...