I was having problems enabling the php_ldap.dll extension on Windows in the TechPlatform Apache+PHP install.
Though the file was there, PHP kept saying that the specified module could not be found. All my paths were correct. Every other module loaded just fine just by enabling its loader line in the php.ini file.
The PHP docs mention that on Windows the libeay32.dll and ssleay32.dll files must be in the PATH. The TechPlatform does add the C:\Program Files (x86)\NuSphere\TechPlat\apache\php directory to the PATH. But in that directory those specific files names are not present.
So I tried copying what appeared to be the correct DLL files to the names that the docs mentioned:
libeay32-1.0.0d.dll ==> libeay32.dll
ssleay32-1.0.0d.dll ==> ssleay32.dll
After copying the files, the php_ldap.dll extension loaded correctly.