 | Please add ability to Minimize a Floating window |  |
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Joined: 23 Jan 2015 |
Posts: 21 |
Posted: Tue Jan 21, 2020 2:19 am |
how should i test if i have issues with dsk files? is that where you store remembered window positions? when i right-click on an opened php file's title bar in phped editor, and select "floating...", it always opens in the editor window. if i drag it somewhere else, then right click the title bar of the floating window, and un-select "floating", it docks it back. If i right click it and select "floating..." again, it opens in the same place it did originally, (in the editor window), and not where i had dragged it to before i "un-floated" it. are you saying that for you, it's different, and that it remembers the last position you dragged it to? hmm.. i'm on a win10, and my previous notebook was win10 too, and phped did the same thing (didn't remember the last floated window position).
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Joined: 13 Jul 2003 |
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Posted: Tue Jan 21, 2020 7:47 pm |
You mean different thing.
It works for me in the following case: you open file, make it floating, then quit the IDE.
Next time you run it, dock will re-appear in the saved position.
Also, you can create a workset (File->Workset), then switch to another workset, move everything around, etc. As soon as you return back to original workset, the floatings will be restored (not only floatings, but breakpoints, active project, list of files, watches, bookmarks etc)
But as you close floating dock, everything about this dock including its position is wiped off and next time you open new dock, it will re-appear in the editor position.
Probably I can save dock positions in this scenario too as a default. But it wouldn't be so natural to have them all opening at just one site of your desktop.
_________________ The PHP IDE team
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Joined: 23 Jan 2015 |
Posts: 21 |
Posted: Sat Feb 01, 2020 12:47 pm |
Thanks Dmitri. I do think it would be helpful for many if you remembered a floating window's position, so that when you close a floating window, and reopen a floating window again, you don't have to drag it again where you had it last time. Which would normally be where you want it positioned. (Not talking about closing the application. But rather closing the floating window while in the ide).
However, if you can find some way to "simulate" a toggle to "minimize / restore" a floating window, that would be good too, since as I mentioned previously, if you need to see something behind a floating window, the only way now is to either: close the floating window, or drag it somewhere out of the way. Your floating window feature is great, it would just be even more useful with these 2 features. Thanks again!!
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