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PhpExpress in shared hosting environments - experiences?

Joined: 06 Feb 2008
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Location: zagreb, croatia
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Hi guys,

Does any of you know a web hosting company, or own web hosting company that offers PhpExpress support by default on their shared hosting servers?

How stable it is in large hosting environments , do you have major compatibility issues, what's the speed/load difference etc.

Many hosters have ioncube+zend optimizer, but I haven't seen anyone offers PhpExpress, and PhpExpress is not that new piece of software.

Thoughts and opinions are welcome.

Best regards
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Does any of you know a web hosting company, or own web hosting company that offers PhpExpress support by default on their shared hosting servers?

I know that it's offered by GoDaddy, not sure about details. As I know with some isp plans you get virtual-dedicated host (still shared but more freedom). Probably that's the case with GoDaddy as well.

How stable it is in large hosting environments , do you have major compatibility issues, what's the speed/load difference etc.

It's very stable. No known issues with compatibility or stability at all.
Resource footprint is little (8MB of shared memory, that's all). Speed improvement greatly depends on php application itself. It varies from 2-3 to 20 times. I'll publish charts soon.

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godaddy's shared hosting doesn't have it installed by default, but it can be easily added by copying over ver. 2.3 x86 file and adding zend_extension.. line to php5.ini.

I'd like to hear if anyone was able to make it work on HostGator - I have no luck so far.
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Did you try to contact HostGator support?

The PHP IDE team
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dmitri wrote:
Did you try to contact HostGator support?

they dont want to, i already tried Sad
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they dont want to, i already tried

The more requests, the more chances to get them change their mind Smile and have the module installed.
Clearly, they havn't installed it just because there are not too much requests.

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Joined: 08 Oct 2009
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Hello guys

I did install PhpExpress on shared hosting (scalahosting) doing the followings steps:
1. Create a custom php.ini in the directory that you'll install encoded files. The file content should be:
extension_dir = "/home/user/public_html/nucoder/"

Note that the extension version "" is especific to each system. You need to see the installed PHP version for example in a phpinfo() output.

2. Copy the extension file to the location that are especified in extension_dir

3. Create a .htaccess file, in order to affect the php.ini configuration recursively in the sub-directories. The content should be like this:
suPHP_ConfigPath /home/user/public_html/nucoder/php.ini

Now, you should be able to run encoded files on your shared hosting.

I hope that this will be useful to someone.
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I just got it up and running on my hosting.

If there is anyone who has a nucoder site setup
I would love to use you as a guinea pig to make sure everything is working right.
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esteban wrote:
Hello guys

I did install PhpExpress on shared hosting (scalahosting) doing the followings steps:
1. Create a custom php.ini in the directory that you'll install encoded files. The file content should be:
extension_dir = "/home/user/public_html/nucoder/"

Note that the extension version "" is especific to each system. You need to see the installed PHP version for example in a phpinfo() output.

2. Copy the extension file to the location that are especified in extension_dir

3. Create a .htaccess file, in order to affect the php.ini configuration recursively in the sub-directories. The content should be like this:
suPHP_ConfigPath /home/user/public_html/nucoder/php.ini

Now, you should be able to run encoded files on your shared hosting.

I hope that this will be useful to someone.

Awesome thanks for the help this is exactly what I was looking for.

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PhpExpress on Shared Windows Hosting

Joined: 24 Mar 2010
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Has anyone accomplished getting PHPExpress working on a Windows Shared Hosting Account?
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I have it running with IX webhosting and it works just fine. There was no problem, but you did have to add it as it wasn't installed by default. If you stick to Jimm1909 steps then you should be fine.
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PhpExpress in shared hosting environments - experiences?
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