The Code Explorer/Navigator filter most of the names of the methods in my javascript objects. For example, having written this code:
var SiteOpt = {browserstring: '<?php echo $bvars["browserstring"]; ?>', firefox: <?php if ($bvars["firefox"] || $bvars["firefoxmac"]){echo "true";} else {echo "false";} ?>, chrome: <?php if ($bvars["chrome"] || $bvars["chromemac"]){echo "true";} else {echo "false";} ?>,
<?php if (!c::get("isMobiel") && ($bvars["MSIE6"] || $bvars["MSIE7"])) { ?>
errordialog: function(msg, url, linenumber) {
[...] |
I would expect the function name "errordialog" to show up in the javascript code views, but I only get to see the object "SiteOpt", but none at all of the many methods that are contained by it. And these methods also don't show up anywere in the Code Completion. The only thing I get to see are a lot of anonymous functions; this info isn't a big help to me.
I think these are very serious failures. The promises about PhpEd 6... sound great, but in view of what I've written I don't think they have been realised yet.
Hoping you can mend this,
Alex Pot
the Netherlands