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False error reported in CSS files when calc() uses more ()

Joined: 27 Mar 2023
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I've already reported the bug via the contact form on the web site, but I've got no response, apart from the automated one...

What is happening is that PHPEd reports an error on a perfectly valid CSS line like this:

font-size: calc((190 / 1920) * 100vw);

the error reported is "unexpected (", which is totally wrong: one of the best features of calc() in CSS is justa that yoy can use whichever formula you want, including using multiple levels of parentheses to prioritize operations in the formula with an order whic may be different from the pure algebraic order of execution.

Also, another little bug is present in this situation:

z-index:calc( var(--base-z-index) + 1);

reports a "unexpected space" error on the space between + sign and 1; again this is INCORRECT, since the css spec for calc() explicitly states that operators such as +-*/ should always be space delimited, as to make them completely different from other meanings (for example, to keep a difference between - 20px (meaning subtract 20 pixels) and -20px (a negative distance of 20px)...

Could you please resolve these? I think I'm not the only one who extensively uses calc formulas with parentheses and operators in css...
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it will be addressed in a next build after forthcoming 20030

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Thanks, I'm looking forward to that update!
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Does the 20032 update address this problem?

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Hey ShoresOfNowhere,
I'm sorry, no, it's not been addressed yet. We've got a series of higher priority issues to be fixed,
In 20031 in the beginning, not so successful, in 20032 acceptable but not finished, now in 20033 almost there, and we will post 20034 to finish the work related to running the test suites.
Then we'll resume what we started on this issue with calc and var:
In addition, white space is required on both sides of the + and - operators. (The * and / operators can be used without white space around them.)

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20034 comes with certain updates to support calc() and the other math functions in CSS. Let me know if it works fine for you

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Joined: 27 Mar 2023
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Both bugs are resolved for me in 20034!

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False error reported in CSS files when calc() uses more ()
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